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OSM Director Frank Macfarlane stands alongside Carrickfergus Sailing Club members and Mayor Cllr Peter Johnston at the club's new slipway

Plain sailing for MEA Council and Carrickfergus Sailing Club with OSM

OSM Environmental Consulting are delighted to have been part of an innovative project for Carrickfergus Sailing Club, to launch their new slipway.


The project was completed in partnership between the club and Mid and East Antrim Borough Council, with the £130,000 being split 50/50 between the two parties.

The project saw the existing slipway widened and improved in its construction, which was sorely needed as the slipway was constructed over 30 years ago as part of the Carrickfergus marina development.


As a result of the project’s success, four new events have been added to the club’s calendar this year; the RS 200/400,14-15 August, Topper Finale, 21-22 August, RYANI Youth Championships, 11-12 September and J24 Northern Championships, 18-19 September. 

Carrickfergus Sailing Club Commodore, Trevor McCaig, commented that this will not only provide a boost for the club, but for local tourism too. “These events will bring in 500 competitors and along with their families will spend at least two nights staying in the Carrickfergus area.”


This innovative style of partnership has been highlighted by Mid and East Antrim Council as a case study on how to successfully achieve community improvement schemes in partnership with community groups.  

Carrickfergus Mayor, Cllr Peter Johnston, paid tribute to “the vision, energy and enthusiasm of the Carrickfergus Sailing Club members who have helped deliver this project, not only for the benefit of their members but for the wider benefit of Carrickfergus and indeed Mid and East Antrim Council area.”


Frank Macfarlane, OSM Director and club member, was delighted to be able to offer OSM Environmental Consulting services free of charge in towards the project.

As part of the design team for this project, Frank Macfarlane completed vital works to ensure safe and planning-compliant completion of the slipway, including the preparation of a Flood Risk Assessment and Construction Environmental Monitoring Plan (CEMP) for the planning application, and successfully obtaining a Marine Construction Licence from DAERA for the construction works.

Frank commented: “As a member of the club from my youth, it’s fantastic to be able to give back and expand the facilities on offer at the club, allowing more of the community to get involved. I would also like to thank my colleagues at OSM for their dedication to this fantastic project.”


If you require any Environmental Consulting assessments to progress your projects, including Flood Risk Assessments (FRA), get in touch with a member of the OSM team today.

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